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What is doing nothing?

Perhaps the biggest challenge at the moment lies in 'learning' doing nothing again. Usually you do a lot: you use your own senses (again), you take a rest, you daydream, you put your smartphone aside, you switch off the TV, you give each other attention, you enjoy nature and the sun, ... K is still blissful. Ideal to 'meet'.

The Heuvelland and the area around Poperinge are also ideal for doing nothing, or do we now call this mindfulness, yoga, de-stressing?

We recommend the silent walk around the Douvevallei!

Feel free to ask for tips or locations to do nothing;)

Doing nothing is incredibly difficult, you never know when you're done.

If you finally do nothing, you just do a lot ...

I finally stand still, that is the greatest progress in years

Holiday home Velogies Reningelst Kriekstraat 2 8970 Poperinge +0032 (0)485/382037

                                                       Province of West-Flanders. Westhoek . Ypres. Heuvelland
Kies de stava riten die srten in het vakantiehuis Heuvelland
Volg het vakantiehuis Poperinge
Volg het vakantiehuis Poperinge Velogies
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